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  • National Thank a Teacher Day - Wednesday 19 June 2024

    Published 11/06/24

    On Wednesday 19 June it is National Thank A Teacher Day. This year, we’re celebrating not only our outstanding teachers but also the wonderful support staff.

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  • Year 4 Performance

    Published 18/04/24

    Year 4 had an exciting week last month by getting to finally perform their play 'Reach for the Sky'!

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  • Year 5 Bake Off Competition

    Published 15/03/24

    On Monday, a wonderful team of Year 5s had the opportunity to attend a baking competition at the prestigious Ascot Racecourse!

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  • Support our Headteacher, Mr Dillon, who will be running the London Marathon in April this year to raise money for the NSPCC

    Published 13/02/24

    Mr Dillon has decided to take on this landmark event in support of the NSPCC.  The charity does amazing work supporting children and families, from running the NSPCC Helpline, campaigning for change, funding therapeutic services and carrying out groundbreaking research.

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  • Young Voices 2024

    Published 02/02/24

    Choir perform at Young Voices event at London's O2 Arena on 16th January.

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  • Christmas Performances

    Published 10/01/24

    Year 2 performing 'Whoopsie-Daisy-Angel'

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  • Proposed Admissions Arrangements 2025/26 - Consultation

    Published 06/12/23
    As required by the regulations, Birch Hill Primary School and Nursery is consulting on their proposed Admissions Arrangements for 2025/26.  Details of the proposed changes can be found HERE on the Admissions page.
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  • Birch Hill Primary School joins Maiden Erlegh Trust

    Published 01/12/23

    We are delighted to announce that Birch Hill Primary School has today joined Maiden Erlegh Trust. Please see below for the full press statement from Maiden Erlegh Trust.

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  • Year 6 Shakespeare 2023

    Published 10/11/23

    After weeks of rehearsals, the Year 6 ensembles of 'Much Ado About Nothing' and 'Romeo and Juliet' finally performed their Shakespeare plays to a live audience at The Exchange Theatre in Twickenham on Thursday this week.

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  • Nursery Learning about Homes

    Published 09/11/23

    In Nursery we have been learning about homes. We have been talking about whether we live in a house or a flat and who lives in our home with us. We drew pictures of our front doors and all the people who live in our home with us. ease enter an introduction for your news story here.

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  • Y3 Wilde Week

    Published 23/09/23

    Y3 Wilde Week

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  • King's Coronation

    Published 22/05/23
    The children had a brilliant time celebrating the King's Coronation doing a range of activities linked to the King's interests – including looking at organic and sustainable farming, and his interests in the creative arts and dance
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