Our School Council
Our school council aims to encourage our children to have a voice and share the opinions of themselves and others. We also view it as a vehicle in preparing children for an active role within their society and learning how they can make a positive change in the world around them.
At the beginning of each school year, Birch Hill children formally elect a group of pupils (four per year group Yr2-6) to represent them and their views. During the election stage, children must deliver a short speech to their peers explaining why they should be appointed. Throughout the year, the school council representatives meet fortnightly to discuss current projects and raise issues voiced by the pupils within their classes. The children help lead organising fundraising events for the whole school and frequently lead class discussions to gather their cohort’s opinions on different matters. Recently, they carried out a survey for playground rules to put together a charter for the playground. The leaders have also gathered different opinions from the pupils on how Covid related changes to our school day has impacted them. Feedback between representatives and pupils often takes place during assemblies where they can deliver updates on issues raised and how they will move forward.
Initiatives such as eco warriors and leading ‘playground zones in year group bubbles’ are future projects we believe will promote participation within the school community and accountability. Our school council provides a meaningful opportunity for leadership and development for the individuals involved as well as a platform for all children’s voices to be heard. Our intention is for the council to support the inclusivity we have here at Birch Hill and give young people a sense of responsibility in areas that impact their lives at school.