How does Birch Hill Primary School identify pupils with SEN?
All teachers are responsible for identifying pupils who have, or may have, SEN. These children may be identified in a variety of different ways. The teacher will be alerted if:
- A child is not making expected progress against National Curriculum expectations
- A child is performing below age related expectations
- Concerns are raised about self esteem or behaviours that affect performance and progress
Each term there is an opportunity for teachers who have a concern about a pupil to discuss these at a Consultation Meeting held by the SENCo, and an Educational Psychologist; this is always with the permission of the parents. There are also termly pupil progress meetings where the headteacher, team leader, SENCo and class teacher have the opportunity to discuss pupils.
Pupil progress is recorded on a web based tracking system called School Pupil Tracker. There are clear thresholds that will trigger a SEN concern and progress by individual pupils and groups of pupils can be monitored and analysed by the School Pupil Tracker.
Where concerns are raised by the class teacher, the SENCo will advise and support the class teacher in meeting the identified needs of the pupil within the classroom; initially making adjustments to the teaching and planning to support the learning. This will be the first phase of a graduated response to meeting the needs of the pupil.
When will my child get additional support for learning?
When the class based adjustments have been reviewed and there remains concern about progress and attainment, consideration may then be given to providing internal support provided by our own staff eg class based teaching assistants, SEN Teaching Assistant, additional teachers offering interventions with a clear focus on a desired outcome.
If these adjustments and internal support still do not have an impact on progress, consideration may then be given to the need to bring in the support of outside professional agencies. The SENCo will make the appropriate referrals with full consultation and permission from the parents.
Recommendations from external agencies will be shared with you so that strategies can be implemented at home and at school. Any special educational needs will be recorded on the school based SEND register and the SIMS database.
How does Birch Hill work with parents and pupils?
Children and parents are at the heart of decision making, ensuring that high quality education is carefully planned around the specific needs of all our pupils, working in partnership with their parents. We will always contact you if we have a concern that a pupil may have a special educational need. We will always inform you and seek your opinion if we feel it would be appropriate to offer additional support to your child.
If you think that your child has a special educational need, talk to us. In the first instance contact your child’s class teacher; and if you still have concerns or require further advice, contact SENCo Mrs. Churchill.
How does the teacher know if SEN provision is effective?
The progress of all pupils is monitored at least three times a year by the Headteacher, Team Leaders and SENCo in consultation with the class teacher. The data from teacher assessments is used and staffs’ personal knowledge of pupil progress is evaluated against age related expectations and expected progress. Class teachers and Teaching Assistants assess how successful intervention programmes have been in order to inform next steps.
How are pupils with SEN helped to access activities outside the classroom?
All pupils are included in activities and trips following risk assessments where needed, and in accordance with duties under the Equalities Act 2010. We communicate with parents and pupils when planning trips so everyone is clear about what will happen.
Who do I contact if I have any concerns?
If you have any concerns about your child, you should contact the class teacher. This can be done through the school office. If you would like to feedback about SEN provision please contact the SENCo through the school office.
If you would like impartial advice from Bracknell Forest's Information, Advice and Support Service - IASS contact IASS@bracknell-forest.gov.uk or follow the links to their website or facebook page.
If you would like more information about the opportunity for children and young people with SEND and their families, or information about support groups, this can be found on Bracknell Forest SEND Local Offer website